Sunday, March 23, 2008

Painting A Day - Day 2


Still no luck finding the cable to the digital camera.  I KNOW I had one because I did use it.  I think along with the whole 'getting back to art' I need to get back to cleaning and organizing!

I did another painting today.  I don't like it as much as the first one.  I think it felt very forced because I have Balticon coming and I felt like I HAD to do something fantasy related.  I need to remember that when I force it, I end up getting very frustrated and angry and then all things move slowly or badly.  I started two other paintings that will get painted over because of this.  Luckily these are all being done on small canvases (to help ensure they will get finished in a day) so the investment of my energy wasn't as great, but still it was frustrating.  

Another thing is.. I see I have comments but... I don't know how to respond to them.  Don't laugh!  If I click on the comment I can read it, but there is only a comment box next to it and it doesn't list it as 'reply to this comment' so I'm not sure if that will reply to the comment or post a whole new comment.  I'm such a retard some times!  

So to Pooka, thank you for replying, I think you are the only one reading this!  But I appreciate it. 

We'll see how tomorrow goes on the painting front.  

1 comment:

Mike said...

Well - not that anyone wants to spend more money, but you could get a card reader to transfer the files, they aren't terribly expensive.

And I'm sure some other silent people are reading, I'm sure of it!

But yeah, I don't think Blogger does replies really, just adds another comment under the last one.