Monday, November 4, 2013


Its been a month or so since my last blog post and there are, of course, reasons for that.  I won't go into them.  Over all, things have been difficult as I try to get my life in order.  It seems that is an ongoing project that I haven't figured out.  Its like putting together furniture with no directions, not enough screws and all the wrong tools.  I think I know what its supposed to look like and what I want it to look like, but fitting the pieces together is like herding cats.  In fact, at this point, I think herding cats might be easier.  Needless to say, I'm trying to reboot.

Marine Speedpaint
If you've been keeping up, you know that I've been attending classes at The Red Engine School in Los Angeles (and for those who know their geography, you know that this means a four hour drive to Los Angeles from Las Vegas where I live and a four hour drive back home after the three hour class).  The second session of Red Engine classes was supposed to be Entertainment Design II, but there were problems and the instructor couldn't teach this session.  Instead, they offered a Character Design class.  Since that is what I was interested in doing, I decided to take the class and I'm currently going one day a week to that.  My instructors are Dan LuVisi and Justin Goby Fields.  Two very talented artists of course, who work in the industry.  They decided to have this session be a real world experience by having us work on a reboot of a Starship Troopers.  This means redesigning the human marines and the alien bugs.

Bug Speedpaint
 Sci-fi is not my usual thing.  If you've seen my work, you know I usually do more fantasy based art, so this project is a challenge to my skills and interest.  It hasn't been easy but I think I'm getting better at it.  Its just a matter of trying to give what the clients want and making it come together.  Its definitely made me work hard to get the images done right and done well.  So that's been a good thing.

Job searching has been a difficulty.  I've applied to different places, but no one has been interested in hiring me.  All the 'connections' I've made out here or been referred to all say the same thing, "The strip is where the jobs are, apply to the casino-hotels."  Well, the issue with that, is the system the casino-hotels have.  Everything is done on-line and many hotels fall under one company owner.  So when you apply for a job, you can see jobs for many different hotels on the strip.  It should make it easier to apply because you end up filling in one form with all your information, unfortunately, you can only apply to one job at a time.  For example: If the MGM has a job for a graphic designer, I can apply to that one.  The Luxor is owned by the same company and if they have a job for a graphic designer, I cannot also apply to that one.  If I wanted the Luxor job, I would have to pull my application at the MGM job and then apply to the Luxor job.  It makes trying to apply to jobs difficult because they do not send you a message saying whether or not your application has gone through.

I am afraid that my moving around for the last few years has hindered people hiring me.  I haven't gotten any interviews which is frustrating because I know once I can get in front of someone, I can show how capable I am.  I may have to rework my resume and see if that helps, but this has been a very frustrating situation.  There isn't a lot I can do to change that since I only have so much power in how that goes.

This has left me with turning to my online shops in hopes of making some sales to try and get some income in.  I haven't sold anything in a while, but the economy isn't great and I know people are not spending like water is money and most of my art is from previous years and requires some new stuff to get interest again.  I am planning on selling some original artwork that either I have been holding on to or that has not sold before.  I haven't sold original art online before, so we'll see how that works.  I will also be offering commissions again in the future and seeing if that becomes successful.  I am left to my own devices and seeing if perhaps, my future and finances are going to be all on my shoulders rather than being hired by someone else to pay me for work. 

I have plans that I am making for this reboot.  I am hopeful and I am capable.  It takes luck and it takes skill and I know I have the latter - luck is harder to get.  I have thoughts of a web comic, a book and some new artwork and products.  I have plans to keep up this blog with artistic information that might help others and of course, continuing to fill you guys in on what's new with me.  An important new bit is this:

I am having an sale on my jewelry.  Using coupon code: THANKSGIVUKKAH you will get 20% off all items you purchase.  That is 20% off earrings, necklaces and bracelets.  That's 20% off jewelry for men and for women.  With Chanukkah coming so early (Thanksgiving is also the first night of the holiday) and Christmas coming soon after, this is a great time to order jewelry from me and making sure you get it in time to give to someone you love!  Just go to my etsy shop at: and check out my jewelry there.  Everything is on sale!

Even if you don't purchase anything, please spread the word and tell your friends...  Thanks in advance for that.

So, as I reboot myself... or continue to do that, I hope you'll stick with me and root for me in your way.  If nothing else, this long journey that I have been on has brought people into my life that I am grateful and happy to know.  Each one of you has been kind and have inspired me and for that, I say: Thank you.