Friday, June 28, 2013

Realities and Priorities

I wish I could fully understand the priorities of people's minds.

We live in a world where the people we trust and elect to create a better country for us to live in, betray that trust and lie, cheat and steal, many times blatantly.  There are mass graves of people being created as I write this and entire villages are being wiped away.  There are rockets being fired and bombs going off.  Innocent people are being killed, seriously injured or having their entire world turned upside down and destroyed in ways in which they will never recover.  People are being arrested for speaking up for human rights - being locked away, tortured, beaten, raped and forgotten: No record of their existence will ever be found.  Children are being lured, tricked, and kidnapped - yanked into the dark to be sold and used till they are no longer useful and then.... discarded.  Homes are being broken into and robbed; not just a physical violation, but for the homeowner, a mental and emotional one.  The sick and bereft are being denied services by Insurance companies; services they had paid for and finding they have no legal recourse so are left dying or in the cold.  Women are being raped and then forced to suffer severe trauma if they dare try to seek justice.  Babies are being beaten, abused and neglected, trained to create a cycle of violence that may never be broken.  In 'civilized' places, people are being beaten to death for something that makes them different, whether it is the color of their skin, the belief they hold or because of the person they choose to love.  And all over the world there are the hungry who quietly die in dark corners of cities and countrysides, wasting away into the shadows.

These are only a handful of the horrors we inflict upon each other.

And yet, with all of that, people believe G-d will weep now because the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled that a certain group of individuals can now have access to legal rights.

I believe we have given G-d many other reasons to mourn as he looks upon his children.  This small action in this moment of time is not one of them.

1 comment:

Soul Funk Goddess said...

Very well said, Georgia. And I'll leave it at that.