Saturday, April 12, 2008

Upcoming Trip

I'll be leaving on the 16th to go visit my brother and his family in the midwest.  It will only be for a week and then its back to the daily grind!  I'll have my laptop with me, so chances are, I'll be keeping up with the blog - though, I'm pretty sure at this point only Pooka is reading it!

Oh, I plan on buying a new wire for the camera.  I contacted the manufacturer and tried to get information on the wire, but apparently they don't sell them.  They don't even talk about them.  The email I sent asking about it, got no response back.  *insert angry face*

I'm still working on that one painting and I hope to finish it before leaving.  Just to have it done.  I'm not sure what new work I'll have for Balticon, but I also want to have the new website up before that too.  We'll see.  I think this might be a case of my eyes being too big for my stomach if you know what I mean.  I have work and projects and freelance things...  So...  Wish me luck on everything.  

If I get the wire today, I will be able to post the art!  *crosses fingers*

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