Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Writing Day 23

2576 Words
42,748 Total

Well, I hit this week's goal of 40,000 words with a bit of room to spare I might add!  According to the No Plot? No Problem kit, I am nearly at my 50,000 word total.  Ok, not nearly, but pretty darn close.  Luckily this past bit was sort of easy in terms of writing since I knew what was going to happen here.  I have no idea what happens next, but that will be the next sit down tomorrow.  Hopefully it will come together!  I'm still unsure if the overall story will be interesting or if the ideas and things are heavy handed or just plain boring. Its like staring at a word that you know you spelled right, but just looks wrong... 

Tomorrow starts week four and technically the last section before the end of this process.  I'm not sure what the next part will have me do or how I'll be feeling by the end, but right now, I'm feeling pretty good.  That feeling you get when you ride a bike up a hill and are now seeing that the rest is downhill.

I have no idea if it will be all downhill from here, but I'm sort of hoping that if it is, its in terms of ease of writing and not in quality. 

Anyway, here is your tidbit:

“Don’t worry I said.  We’re almost there… Just around this tree.”

Samantha rubbed her eyes, “Almost where?”  And it was hard not to keep the annoyance out of her words.

“Right here.”

Coming around the large tree she found herself entering a huge clearing.  The canopy of golden boughs broke to reveal the clear blue sky above and the ground was green with fresh grass as if it was spring and it wanted to show off its brightest color.  A wide circle of great big stones, the surface smooth where there weren’t great swirling patterns carved in, ringed the clearing, like a giant had placed them there.  The stones were about ten feet across and at least 20 feet high, fingers pointing to the sky above and they gave off the feeling of being ancient. 

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