Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Spring might have sprung...?

Two days in a row of nice weather does not a change in seasons make and I am hesitant to trust this when I've heard the temperatures are due to drop again and some snow might fall somewhere.  Winter has got a death grip on this year. 

Buds on the tree behind the yard of our apartment. 
It is a little bit poetic.

I'll be moving in a few short weeks to Las Vegas and starting a new career path, and while that's great, there is a part of me that is loathe to the change.  I suppose its normal.  We get comfortable with what we know, what's familiar - not that there is anything wrong with that.  Here in Kansas I have my brother and his family who I love dearly; I have some good friends I really like and a job that I usually enjoy.  I know my way around the area - how to get to places I like and want to go to.  There are museums, theaters (stage and movie versions), shopping and a home.  All of it is now familiar to me and I hate to say goodbye to all of it.

Loki with her Spring haircut and finery!
But I'm still moving forward.  I'm letting go of the familiar to move to the new: New place, new people and new career.  And luckily for me, I am not as stubborn as Winter has been this year.

Of course, that doesn't make the packing go any easier!  Have I ever mentioned that I hate packing?  If not, let me be clear: I HATE PACKING!

Now, it isn't like I don't know how to do it.  I've moved numerous times in my life; about 5 or 6 times in my adult lifetime.  I know the drill.  And yes, the fantasy that 'once I get to where I'm going, I'll settle and go through things and set things up as I want' plays through my head every time.  Let me tell you, that never happens.  Partly its because the last two places I have lived have been sort of temporary - pit stops to other places.  Even here.  We hadn't planned on staying in this particular place - the original plan was for me to find a job and then move to a place on my own.  There was no real unpacking or settling or going through anything.  I'm afraid that the place in Las Vegas will be the same.  It might become Mom's home, but it won't be mine.  The plan is for me to go to classes, get my portfolio set and get a job in the gaming industry and probably move to where ever the new job is.  (By the way, please send good thoughts and wishes for that to happen!)

Because I don't want to just take everything again, I'm going through all the boxes that have been hanging out with me and seriously considering what I want to keep and what to get rid of.  That's worked well for a lot of weird odds and ends and art supplies and such but the big downfall for me is books.  And this isn't just books that you read.  Thanks to my Nook and ebooks, I have managed to get a lot of books in digital format.  Of course, I am still keeping a good number of actual books because they are special to me (ALL my Neil Gaiman books). 

That of course does not help me with all the art books and reference books that I have accumulated over the years.  Some I am letting go, but most I am keeping - not just because I love them and know they will be useful to me even in my future career, but because some cannot be replaced.  And the truth is, there is no replacing some of these books and their beautiful illustrations - or the experience of looking through them. 

For a look at the insanity, are some of the books I am going to be letting go to various places (friends, Public Library etc..):

For  comparison, here are books I am keeping so far:

Kill me...
Yes, that's my bed in there. 

Right now I have been going through and trying to organize them so the artbooks by the same artist are together (I love Mucha and have a few books of his work as well as Amano and Erte), but there is so much and it is very overwhelming.  I know I am reaching that point where I'm going to start just packing everything and throwing my hands up in despair - waiting till I find a permanent home so that I can unpack these books and place them on shelves. 

I suppose the upside is that I am cleaning out my library... Spring cleaning if you will.  Just wish Spring didn't come with allergies! 

In other news, as you may know, I am closing my Etsy shop tomorrow since I'll be putting all my focus into the move and won't be able to keep track of sales and shipping items out.  That means if you were thinking of getting anything from the shop, you HAVE to get it today or tomorrow.  With Mother's Day coming up fast, this is the last time you'll be able to get something for her.

With that, I have to head back into my room and continue tackling the piles of books.  Wish me luck....

1 comment:

Raonaid Luckwell said...

* laughs * Last time we moved hubby gripped because it took 15 to 20 boxes just for my books alone. When he brought it up I simply explained I didn't complain about his hobby. His comeback was "My hobby did not take 15 to 20 boxes"

So I can sympathize with you. I would hate to have to move again because I have even more books. But yes I've weeded out a few here or there.