Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A New Chapter

As many of my friends and family know, I am beginning a new chapter in my life, or at least attempting to.  I have been working on art of different sorts and themes and types for the last thirty years or so, trying to find my way using the talents I have been blessed with.  There have been starts and stops in this search and I don't know what the future will bring, but I am still searching none-the-less.

For the last few years, I have been making jewelry.  It started off as a sort of hobby that was a sideline of my actual art, like knitting is for some people to do while they watch television.  As the traditional art slowed to a stop and I was only doing some graphic design for work, the jewelry became more of a creative saving grace.  I began to include it at the anime conventions I was attending and people liked it.  I would describe my original works as "Steampunk light".  There were cogs and clocks and what-not, but nothing so extreme as to have to be considered costume.  It was steampunk for the everyday.  I continued to explore and moved from steampunk to other fanciful designs and ideas and found I enjoyed the process very much.
1 of my most popular earring pieces & one of my favorite designs.
I then decided to try and sell some of my jewelry on Etsy to see if I could reach a wider audience once I was no longer able to attend conventions and I sold more - to my surprise since I wasn't sure if people outside of my circle would like what I did.  If you haven't seen it yet, you can check out the Etsy shop here:

This last year I discovered a new path for myself:  Pre-production Game Design.  I am currently looking at some schools that have a good game design program and even went to Vancouver, Canada for a week long game intensive at Vancouver Film School in August.  It was a great experience and made me more sure of what I wanted to do.
 My Summer Intensive Game Design Class - the only girl there was me! :D

Next week I'll be going to Las Vegas with my Mom, but we will be heading over to Hollywood, CA to check out Gnomon to see their facility and program.

The future looks exciting on a lot of fronts with hundreds of possibilities.  This blog will track as much as I am able to write about and I hope you will all come along with me.  I hope you will also comment on anything you read in the blog and I am always willing to hear any advice on what I am doing; the art or jewelry I post about or even working in game design.  Thanks for reading and just know that there is more to come!

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