The visit with my brother was lovely. It was wonderful to see the kids who are so much older and bigger now! My ten year old niece is only a little bit shorter than me! She just shot right up! They all have personalities now and are really blossoming into little people.
While I was away, I made some good decisions concerning my life and the general direction of my art and career. One decision was to not attend Dragon*Con this year. This was difficult, but the trip and convention is costly... With the economy how it is, there is less of a guarantee of a successful show than previous years. I had to weigh my current state of finances with what might happen and chose to pass on the convention for this year. We'll see how things are next year. I am sad not to go, but felt it was the right choice to make.
I am oddly inspired and uninspired to paint right now. I have ideas but it is being difficult to sit down and do them. Some seem to be oil paints, but I'm not sure how to execute them. I think that might be blocking me from moving forward.
Other than that, I have to move on some decisions I made and make them happen. I will of course, let you know how that all goes. No, I'm not trying to be mysterious, that is just a fun byproduct :D
I'm right there with ya. I won't go this year either. ;D
Make that three! I haven't gone for a couple of years, but I was hoping to go. But $$ is tight and that's not a cheap con to go to. We even decided to cut a day off Balticon to save on the hotel...
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