Monday, March 24, 2008

Painting a Day - Day 3

Got a third one done.  This one I like a little bit better than the one yesterday.  The difficulty today was doing a painting after a full day of work.  It was much harder to get the drive to get over to the easel to do a painting as I was really tired.  I took a nap in fact and had to get my butt out of bed to start using the brushes.  

I finished the painting but it isn't as detailed as the first.  It has a nice affect though.  I'm just proud of myself for doing the painting even though I was tired and not really up for it.  

Hopefully will continue on tomorrow.

Still no cord.  I think I will just wait till friday and do a mad insane clean up and see if I can uncover it.  

Pooka: Thanks for the suggestion, I'm not sure I'll buy a card reader though for the camera.  I might see if Dave Y has a cord or reader and see if that works.  

Other than that, I do have to also rework my website.  The plan is to remake it though most of the format will be the same.  The biggest issue is that I want to do a rollover with the artwork so that the icons will show the artwork instead of clicking on it to bring it up.  So any advice on making that happen or how I can make that happen would be cool!  

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