Thursday, June 5, 2008

Balticon and upcoming cons

Balticon was... at the very least...  disappointing for me.  It didn't seem like there was that many attendees and they certainly weren't spending any money.  I know, that sounds cold, but I make a living selling art, so if it doesn't sell that sort of works against me.  The starving artist thing is a romantic idea and all, but really, isn't all that glamorous a lifestyle.  Trust me.

Anyway, this was a large disappointment because I'd gotten the paintings I'd done framed and they looked good and seemed to get some good response, but no one bought any of them.  Not one.  Granted, the art show over all was pretty sad with very few purchases, but that isn't much of a consolation.  I will say that I did learn that I should have had a quick sale price so as to give people on the one day attending pass a chance to buy something if they wanted it.  But oh well...  

The table sales were also pretty sad.  I BARELY covered the hotel cost and didn't walk away with much at all when all was said and done.  The highlight of the trip was seeing Pooka and Five-Foot-Mayhem there and being able to hang out at Outback for dinner.  It made me realize how much I miss my friends and hanging out with them.  

I will not be attending Balticon next year but mostly due to there being a rather special occasion that I would not miss for the world!  Which would be Pooka and Five-Foot-Mayhem's wedding!  But with the show as it was, I would not be going anyway.  With the market as it is and buyers being... well... being what they are... it is not an expense I can afford.  I did talk to some high up staff and gave them some ideas and things they could and should do to hype up not only the art show and artist alley (and do a better job with them) but to get the convention up and exciting.  The biggest issue seems to be with people having the 'this is how we've always done it' attitude and not adjusting to changing times, attendees and trends.  

I spent a day at Wizard World Con in Philly.  Wow.. that is just one huge honking dealer's room.  The tables in their artist alley were like, $600 or something.  No way I was going to shell out that kind of money on an iffy situation.  Walking through the artist alley, I was glad I only paid for the day cost...  Didn't look like there was much money being made there.  Most of the money was in the comic books and collectibles.  Though, that kind of artist alley is more for connections and showing off your stuff I guess.  I did see the Iron Sheik.  He was doing an interview with a radio station.  That man is just... batshit crazy.  There were a few other wrestlers and one or two tv personalities, but mostly it was about the comic books - the artists and the writers.  It did make me think about doing my comic book and getting back to my roots.  

*sigh*  So many ideas and things and not enough time or hands to do them all.

I saw the Indiana Jones movie... It was ok.  That's all I'm going to say about it.  

Right now, I'm preparing for two shows coming up.  Anime MidAtlantic and the following weekend, AnimeNext.  Having back to back shows is difficult but we'll see how it goes.  I'm hoping I can make some sales and do well there, as well as get some new fans as these are two shows I don't usually attend.  This is only my second time for both.  The response last year was positive so here's hoping that continues.